a swallow on wood in bradenton florida


Swallows are small birds that have come to create big problems for Florida business owners. These small, sleek, slender birds are very territorial. Swallows are migrating birds that will return to the same nesting sites year after year. Natural nesting sites include caves and cliffs, which they have successfully traded for our building’s roofs. Unfortunately for us, swallows have adapted quite well to living in suburban and urban areas.

Swallows create cup-like nests out of mud and a mixture of other materials. They will put these nests under the overhangs and ledges of buildings, with many swallows (several hundred) placing their nests on the same building. Their nests will stain structures, damage gutters, and become an eyesore. Restaurants with outdoor dining can be affected by these birds; people don’t want to eat under bird nests or look at large amounts of bird feces while eating. Their excrement can spread diseases like histoplasmosis, encephalitis, salmonella, meningitis, toxoplasmosis, and their presence can create health risks to your customers and employees.

While they are generally harmless, their presence can raise some health and safety concerns, particularly in urban and residential areas where they nest. Below are some key issues:

1. Health Risk Regarding sallows

Swallows can contribute to health risks through their droppings and nests, which may harbor pathogens or attract pests:

  • Accumulation of Droppings: Swallow droppings can accumulate beneath nests, creating unsanitary conditions. These droppings may carry diseases like histoplasmosis, a fungal infection affecting the lungs, or salmonella, a bacterial infection.
  • Parasites and Pests: Swallow nests can attract mites, fleas, and other parasites, which may spread to humans or domestic animals. These pests can cause irritation and, in rare cases, transmit diseases.
  • Avian Influenza: Though rare, birds like swallows can sometimes act as carriers of avian influenza viruses, potentially posing a threat to humans in close contact.

2. Structural Safety Issue Regarding swallows

Swallows often build mud nests on man-made structures, which can lead to various safety concerns:

  • Damage to Buildings: The moisture and weight of nests can damage stucco, wood, or other surfaces. Over time, this may compromise structural integrity, especially if the nests are located in vulnerable areas.
  • Blocked Drainage Systems: Swallow nests built near eaves or gutters can block drainage systems, leading to water damage during rainstorms.

3. Air Quality Concerns

Accumulated droppings and nesting materials can produce foul odors, especially in poorly ventilated areas. Inhalation of dried droppings can also pose respiratory risks, particularly for individuals with preexisting conditions like asthma.

4. Allergenic Concerns

Swallow nests and droppings may exacerbate allergies in sensitive individuals. Exposure to nest debris, feathers, or droppings can trigger respiratory or skin allergies.

5. Legal and Ethical Considerations

Swallows are often protected under wildlife conservation laws, such as the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in the United States. It is illegal to destroy active nests with eggs or chicks inside. Mismanagement of swallow populations, such as improper nest removal, can result in legal penalties.

Partnering with Bird Solutions is the best solution to your Florida commercial facility’s swallow problems. Swallows are challenging to prevent and are federally protected migratory birds, so partnering with a professional is essential when managing them. The best way to avoid problems with swallows is to contact Bird Solutions and learn more about our preventative bird control solutions.